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US Soccer to Make Players Stand for National Anthem

The stands are packed, the players have just taken the field. Fans are asked to stand and remove their caps for our country's National Anthem. Fans mouth the words to the Star Spangled Banner in a moment of true Patriotism and togetherness. They are about to watch their nations team fight hard for 90+ minutes. What a scene, right?

The National Anthem is played before all sporting events, from high school all the way up to the professional leagues. Its a tribute to the nation that allows us to come together in sporting events, that keeps us safe, that has given us a home. Men and Women sacrifice everything, everyday for that song; for us.

With that being said, not everyone understands that. Some choose to use the Anthem as a tool to protest, to further their own agenda. And they have every right to do so. But just because it is their right, that doesn't mean it is right.

US Soccer has announced that their players are now required to stand for the National Anthem before games. For some reason, this new rule is being met with backlash. I'm not surprised, but I'm disappointed.

This is way more than an NFL player kneeling in a preseason game, or a high school team taking a knee before their season opener. These US Soccer players are representing their country on a world stage. If they want to protest the country they have chosen to represent, then why would you choose to play for that country?

These players wear the American flag across their chest on the field. They represent the United States on whatever field they are playing on. They are wearing our colors. They should be standing as our nation's song is playing.

Don't like US Soccer's new rule? Sucks. Don't watch the games. Go rage on twitter or something. But US Soccer is completely in the right here. They want the people that they select to represent our nation to respect the flag. Is that bad?

And listen, I know that some people who choose to protest have valid reasons. I understand that we are nowhere near perfect as a nation. But in reality, we have come pretty far as a people. Things here are much better than a very significant percentage of the rest of the world. Believe it or not, the United States of America are run by humans, and, believe it or not, humans are not perfect. So I understand these athletes may be upset, but when you take the field wearing the Red, White, and Blue, you are representing much bigger things than your personal beliefs.

I applaud US Soccer for taking a stand, for not fearing what backlash may come from this. We need more US Soccer in the world and less hypocrisy. Yes, kneeling during the Anthem of the nation you are currently representing his pretty hypocritical. So I am sorry, US Soccer players if you do not want to represent our nation on the field anymore because you'll have to stand during the National Anthem. I hear Canada's borders are open.

Questions or Comments? Follow me on twitter @johnrouzaut2. I'll gladly share my thoughts.



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